Product Name Chemical Name %Assay Appearance HLB USE
SINTOL GMS Ethylene Glycol Mono-Stearate 100 Flake 2 Pearlizing and opacifying agent for shampoo, body cleaner, hand dishwashing detergents, rinses, and creams.
SINTOL GDS Ethylene Glycol Di-Stearate 100 Flake 1
SINTOL 200MO PEG 200 Mono-Oleate 100 Liquid 7.90 General emulsifiers for textile, leather and other industrial applications.
SINTOL 600MO PEG 600 Mono-Oleate 100 Liquid 11.50
SINTOL 400MO PEG 400 Mono-Oleate 100 Liquid 13.50
SINTOL 400DO PEG 400 Di-Oleate 100 Liquid 8.50
SINTOL 600DO PEG 600 Di-Oleate 100 Liquid 10.30
SINTOL 600DO PEG 8000 Di-Stearate 100 Liquid 19 Thickeners and emulsifiers for industrial and textile printing paste.
SINTOL 400MS PEG 400 Mono-Stearate 100 Solid 11.60 Emulsifiers and thickeners for industrial applications. Self-emulsifying lubricants and softeners in textile. Defoamer for latex paints
SINTOL 600MS PEG 600 Mono-Stearate 100 Solid 13.60
SINTOL 200ML PEG 200 Mono-Laurate 100 Solid 9.50 Emulsifiers for industrial and toiletries preparations. Defoamer for latex paints. Dispersant for pigment and dye systems.
SINTOL 400ML PEG 400 Mono-Laurate 100 Liquid 13.10
SINTOL 600ML PEG 600 Mono-Laurate 100 Liquid 15